Friday, July 7, 2023

Uncommon Recommendations That Will Significantly Increase Home Office Productivity

If you work from home, you're certainly aware of how difficult it is to be productive and get work done when you're surrounded by distractions. When your work setting is the same as your home environment, whether all the time or occasionally, it's far too simple to manufacture excuses to go to the kitchen or pick up that enticing book on the coffee table, and these things may really derail our productivity.

Another issue is that we create and maintain home offices. There is no manager to remind us to keep our desks neat, and no HR team to advise us on the optimum posture or ideal spot in the room for maximizing productivity. Here are some adjustments to help you keep on track.

Invest in automation and devices

The ability to change the intensity -- or even color -- of your room's lighting, switch on or off music, or regulate the temperature is worth investing in, and it's typically not too expensive. Investigate various gadgets and technologies that may be added to your home office to improve your productivity smoother, simpler, and less prone to unpleasant interruptions. Adjusting the settings of your room based on what makes you comfortable minimizes the likelihood of you becoming distracted from what you're doing, so it's worth investigating.

Portable Scanners

Portable scanners are scanners that, like printers, can take paper through a feed. Some of them can even accept many sheets of paper at simultaneously, making it much simpler to swiftly scan reams of papers while OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software automatically catalogs and organizes them. This helps you to get rid of a lot of paper and, as a result, produce a lot less paper for yourself. Similarly, you should go paperless with your bills, statements, and everything else you can.

Paper Trays

Paper everywhere is an issue that affects not just home workers but almost everyone else. The first answer to this problem is to purchase paper trays, which allow you to swiftly and simply 'dump' your papers out of the way so they don't make a mess.

There will be two trays here. One is your 'working memory,' while the other is your'short term memory.' Anything you've finished but aren't ready to get rid of will go in your'short term memory,' and anything you're actively working on or will be able to throw away later will go in your 'working memory.'

You will then go through the trays at a certain period each day/week/month and place everything from the short-term memory tray into a file cabinet - your 'long term memory'. This mirrors how the human brain retains information, making it much simpler to stay on top of things.


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