Working from home is becoming increasingly prevalent, but although we're lucky to have the tools to make it feasible, there are some drawbacks to working from home. We've put up a list of courses to assist you pick up the skills, strategies, and technologies you'll need to stay productive and cooperate successfully. You may utilize these courses to guarantee a seamless transition to remote work.
These online courses provide practical guidance that will assist you in not just minimizing the disturbance to routine business operations, but also in improving team collaboration.
Remote workers must develop new skills to respond to the changing conditions as more organizations implement remote working policies. Here are some free courses that can help you prepare for future problems and enhance your performance.
Remote Work Revolution for Everyone -- Harvard
You'll discover how to succeed in the virtual-work environment with Remote Work Revolution for Everyone. You'll learn how to develop trust, enhance productivity, effectively use digital tools, and stay in sync with your remote team.
Managing Remote Teams -- Upwork
This course was created in collaboration with Upwork, the world's top professional freelance marketplace. Managing Remote Teams provides practical guidance on how to create a culture that welcomes remote employees while still delivering bottom-line outcomes for your company. After completing this course, you'll be able to swiftly apply remote-team best practices to your current workforce or start from beginning when it comes to developing a remote workforce.
Best Practices for Working Remotely -- Udemy
This course's major goal is to assist you in creating a distraction-free workspace for office work at home so that you can stay productive. It also teaches you how to maintain social connections with your coworkers in order to communicate effectively.
Work remotely with Microsoft 365 -- Microsoft
This basic training lesson covers Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and, which are all important remote work programs. It will teach you how to communicate using Teams and how to sync files between cloud and local versions.
Remote Job Search: Skills for Success-- Utah State University
Boost your chances of landing a remote job position! The Certified Remote Work Professional (MRWP) online certificate course from the Rural Online Initiative is supplemented by this self-paced course. Before enrolling, you are not obliged to earn this certification, although it is strongly encouraged. This professional certificate will take you around ten hours to accomplish!
Purdue University's Global free course on remote work -- Purdue University
The self-paced, five-module course is expected to take five to seven hours to complete. It will provide individuals and executives in organizations with the information and tools they need to participate effectively in remote work environments.
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