Friday, July 7, 2023

Remote Work on the Rise and Here To Stay: The Netherlands Leads the EU in Remote Workers

The Netherlands has the highest proportion of remote workers in the European Union (EU), according to a new study by global HR solutions company, Remote. The study mapped the rise in remote work across the EU from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to the end of 2022. The research revealed that on average across the EU, 30% of workers regularly worked from home last year (either fully remotely or in a hybrid model), compared to just over 15% in the United Kingdom. Using data from Eurostat and Statista, Remote also found that 65% of the working population in the Netherlands worked at least partially remotely in 2022.

The Netherlands is way out in front, with Luxembourg coming in second place with 54.4%, and Sweden third with 51.8%. Remote also made predictions about the proportion of remote workers for the top five EU countries for 2023. The company predicts that nearly 10% more workers will work remotely this year in the Netherlands, bringing the total to 73.5%, while Luxembourg’s share of remote or hybrid workers will rise to 60.6%, and Sweden to 56.4%. Ireland is predicted to see a large rise to 61.6%, as is Belgium, to 56.1%.

The proportion of remote workers in the Netherlands is four times higher than in the UK or the United States, according to the data. Last summer, the Dutch parliament approved legislation to establish working from home as a legal right, making the Netherlands one of the first countries to grant remote working flexibility by law. With the new legislation, employers must consider requests for remote working and provide a reason for denying it. The report by Remote highlights that the Netherlands already had a relatively high number of remote workers prior to the pandemic, with 28% working remotely, which at the time was one of the highest rates in the EU.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant shift in the number of people working remotely, with lockdowns and restrictions forcing companies to adopt flexible working policies. Remote working has become the new norm for many, and the Netherlands has been at the forefront of this trend. The country's legislation to establish working from home as a legal right has played a significant role in this, as it makes it easier for employees to request remote working and for employers to provide it.

The study by Remote also shows that remote working is on the rise in other EU countries, with Ireland, Belgium, and Luxembourg predicted to see a large increase in remote workers in 2023. This suggests that remote working is here to stay, and companies will need to adapt to this new way of working. Employers will need to consider the benefits of remote working for both their employees and their businesses, and implement policies and technologies to support it. Remote working can bring many benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and lower overheads, but it also requires a different approach to management and communication.

In conclusion, the Netherlands has the highest proportion of remote workers in the EU, and this trend is set to continue. Remote working has become the new norm for many, and companies will need to adapt to this new way of working. Employers will need to consider the benefits of remote working for both their employees and their businesses, and implement policies and technologies to support it. Remote working can bring many benefits, but it also requires a different approach to management and communication. The Netherlands has been at the forefront of this trend, and other EU countries are set to follow suit.


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