Tuesday, July 11, 2023

How to Request a Pay Increase If You Work From Home or Remotely

For many staff members, the idea of working full-time from home while their employer is located somewhere may seem like a fantasy. But when it comes to having uncomfortable talks with their employer, like asking for a raise or promotion, remote employees who report to a supervisor can hesitate.

No matter if you work from home or in an office, asking for a raise is always a difficult scenario. However, as a remote worker, requesting a raise might be particularly challenging due to the physical distance. However, just because you work from home doesn't mean you shouldn't be entitled to the same benefits as an employee who works in an office.

We have a guide that will help you assess your circumstances and some advice to assist you ask for a raise as professionally as you can if you believe it's time for a higher wage. Raising salaries is a common practice in the workplace, and remote workers are also entitled to these advantages.

How and when to request a meeting

There are situations where it makes sense to ask for a raise and others where it doesn't, even if you don't work side by side with your employer every day. It's possible that approaching your employer straight after a meeting with their own higher-ups, on a Monday, or first thing in the morning won't provide the results you're hoping for.

Email is OK when arranging a meeting to talk about the raise. A phone call could be preferable. Alternatively, copy your supervisor if they plan meetings using an online calendar. Just make sure to tell them what you want to talk about.

The ideal approach to discuss receiving a raise in a remote setting is through a video chat or phone call. However, just because you operate remotely does not exclude you from having in-person meetings

If that isn't feasible, you can at least hold the chat "face to face" even if you aren't in the same room by using a video call.

Spend some time analyzing your own work

Make sure you are deserving of a raise before requesting one. Examine your most recent work as well as the tasks you have finished since your previous raise (or, if one has not yet been given, when you were employed). Are you generating outcomes that are advantageous to the business? Do you consistently fulfill your deadlines? Are you a trustworthy worker? Is your work regarded as of the highest caliber?

You should be able to determine if you should ask for a raise after answering these questions for yourself and taking the time to honestly analyze yourself.

Show up to the meeting with a positive mindset

Your job is consistently finished on schedule. You respond to questions in a timely manner. You are accommodating to your boss' needs and get along well with your coworkers. In spite of everything, you continue to wonder whether your employer will offer you a raise.

The truth is that if you act as like you don't deserve the raise, you probably won't. This is why you should approach your appointment with your boss with a positive outlook. Smiling frequently, even over the phone, will convey warmth to your supervisor and reinforce the fact that you really deserve the increase.

Stay confident and use the evidence of your achievement in your presentation, keeping in mind that there is a reason you believe you are qualified for this raise or promotion.

The key to a fruitful discussion, she continues, is to maintain the lines of communication open and two-sided, regardless of the outcome: At the end of the day, how you portray yourself both throughout the conversation and with the work you do will decide the answer to your question.

Find out the position's average salary

Once you've concluded that your job merits a salary increase, you should find out what the median pay for your profession and industry is. Particularly useful for determining the low-end, high-end, and median pay rates for employment in any conceivable industry are websites like Indeed. Your decision on the size of the increase you should request will be aided by this study.

Additionally, by doing some research on the median position, you may provide your employer this data to support your desire for a raise. Providing this information is important since employers may not always be familiar with the median pay rates for the range of occupations they employ.

Assess your employer's current situation

How you ask for a raise may depend on how your firm handles remote work. Is your business entirely remote? If so, it could include a strategy for promotions and pay increases. Ideally, your company will have had similar discussions with you in the past.

Are you the company's first remote employee, or are there simply a handful of you? Remote employees may find it simple to get overlooked in such circumstances. Because you're allowed to work from home, your employer could believe that a raise isn't necessary.

However, working from home is neither a perk or an additional benefit to your job; it is only one component of it. Yes, working from home saves you money.

However, working from home is neither a perk or an additional benefit to your job; it is only one component of it. Yes, working from home saves you money, but keep in mind that your employer also makes significant savings by permitting remote work.

Since you don't commute every day, you might need to emphasize all the ways you remain in touch with your team and any overtime you've put in. Describe how being able to work from home has helped you do more than you could have done in an office.

Make an appointment to speak with your in private

Asking your boss if you may arrange a private meeting with him or her throughout the coming weeks is the next item on the agenda. Make sure you request a certain meeting time going forward because you don't want to surprise your supervisor with this conversation.

You should organize a video call with your employer if you can't meet them in person since you work remotely. It's not a good idea to negotiate pay rates and wages through email since it may come out as impersonal and unprofessional.

When you ask your manager to schedule the meeting, you might also want to think about explaining its purpose. By doing this, he or she can become ready for your request.

Give your employer some time to think about your request

After your one-on-one discussion with your boss, give him or her some time to think over your request before making a decision and making an offer. After your meeting, you shouldn't press your supervisor for a response.

You should follow up with your employer after two weeks if they haven't responded. Sending a follow-up email in this case and seeking to plan a second video conference to discuss your concerns are both perfectly acceptable options. When you ask your manager to schedule the meeting, you might also want to think about explaining its purpose. By doing this, he or she can get ready for the meeting.


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